Getting Started

Step by step instructions on how to use Zillet & all its features

How to get started on Zillet

Please take some time to understand this for your own safety. Your funds will be stolen if you do not heed these warnings. What is Zillet? Zillet is a free, open-source, client-sid...

How To Create a New Wallet

Create a New Wallet. Select an option for a type of wallet to create. Enter a strong password. Click the `"Create New Wallet"` button. Download and safely save your Wallet File.

How to Access Your Wallet

This article is meant for those that already have an ZIL wallet. Zillet offers a variety of ways to access one’s Zilliqa wallet, by selecting the ‘Access My Wallet’ option on the f...

How to Send a Transaction (Zilliqa Token)

Learn how to make transaction, send Zilliqa token to other mainnet address. Zillet makes it easy for you to send a transaction. All you need is a wallet, the Zilliqa address you’d ...

How to use Zeeves (Telegram account) with Zillet

Learn how to connect your zeeves wallet to Zillet. On the front page down under the "zeeves" click connect. Go to your telegram app Click the "Start" button on Zeeves

How to use your Ledger Nano S with Zillet

Learn how to connect your very own Ledger Nano S hardware wallet to Zillet. Select account index you want to access, by default it is set to 0 and click on the “CONNECT” button

7 Tips for the Beginners

We cannot reverse, cancel, or refund transactions. Make sure you know the process inside and out. Learn more about how can you secure your wallet and use all of it's features witho...

21 Common terms in Zilliqa/ Crypto community

Here is a list of terms you may encounter in Zilliqa or in other services on a daily basis. What is Account address, Private key, Gas Limit, Gas Price, Nonce, Keystore file, Mnemon...